Benjamin Type B cycle car, 1922
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Updated: 11-March-2025 11:18

Benjamin Type B cycle car, 1922

Model information
Make history

Benjamin Type B cycle car, year 1922 Colour French Blue combined with black wire wheels and a brown leather interior. According to previous owners and the 2013 Bonhams sales information this Benjamin Type B cycle car was the 1920s Violette Morris, works team car. The car is said to have participated in the 1922 French Bol d'Or. The car was driven by Violette Morris (18 April 1893 – 26 April 1944), see Wikipedia for more information on the colourful lifestyle of this French athlete and racing motorist. The car was imported to the UK in the mid-1980s by Mr. Stephen Langton. In 1988 the car was acquired by Barry Clarke (ex-Vintage Sports Car Club -VSCC- President). Clarke had the car largely refurbished. The wheels were rebuilt, radiator re-cored, dynamo and starter motor rebuilt and the engine overhauled. The successive owner had the suspension overhauled, wheel and prop-shaft bearings renewed, and two drum brakes replaced. Furthermore, the valve caps were modified to accommodate 14mm spark plugs, the camshaft was re-profiled, the clutch repaired, and an SU carburettor was fitted with a new manifold. Over the years much has been published about this Benjamin and the car has participated in sundry VSCC driving tests and demonstrations. This rare cycle car is in fair to good, roadworthy condition. A delightful machine for the ‘pre-war-car’ enthusiast looking for a car to tinker with and to participate in special historic events.


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