Rosengart LR6, 1937
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Updated: 07-February-2025 14:32

Rosengart LR6, 1937

Model information
Make history

Rosengart LR6 saloon, year of first registration 1937. Colour dark red bodywork with black wings and dark red disc wheels. Grey cloth interior. This French built Rosengart LR6 is is a very rare automobile. A maximum of 350 of these six cylinder models were built in the early 1930ies. The car was available as saloon and as commercial model. Many of these six cylinder LR 6 models were stripped and rebuilt to two-seater 'specials' after the second world war. The presented Rosengart LR 6 is still showing off it's beautiful original saloon bodywork and many more original details. The car is in excellent condition. This is possibly the only original Rosengart LR 6 in the Benelux!


Altena 0414

Rosengart LR 6

Altena Classic Service
route map
Phone: +31 (0)524 561 122
De Vaart 23
7784 DK Gramsbergen