Bentley 4-Litre, 1931 - PROJECT
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Updated: 02-March-2025 09:04

Bentley 4-Litre, 1931 - PROJECT

Model information
Make history

This mighty 1931 Bentley 4-Litre is being restored to top-condition for a client of Altena Classic Service. The restoration is being carried out with the aim to preserve as much as possible of the original patina. The Vanden Plas ‘open tourer’ (Le Mans Type) bodywork is still fully original, it has been repaired and restored carefully, respecting the historic patina. The chassis and the mechanical components were fully stripped, inspected and overhauled/ restored. Where necessary newly made parts were fitted. A new radiator core was fitted, new finned drum brakes were made, and the steering gear was manufactured brand new. The appearance of the engine and the ‘blower’ were not altered, they still show their age. In due time you will see this Big Bentley completed in perfect mechanical condition, and still displaying its patina of many decades of use. The Bentley 4-Litre is a very rare pre-war automobile, only about 20 cars of this type were ever build.

To be continued.

Do you want Altena Classic Service to repair, overhaul or restore your pre-war automobile? Then do not hesitate to get in touch.

Altena 1709S3/1711/1712

Altena Classic Service
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Phone: +31 (0)524 561 122
De Vaart 23
7784 DK Gramsbergen